Welcome to Samurai Chat

Samurai Chat enables use of ChatGPT with a suite of enhanced and improved, custom features such as prompt library, history search, folders, integrations and much more. The features of Samurai Chat simplify the use of ChatGPT by elevating the existing experience and enable Samurai Node NFT holders to leverage and harness the power and capabilites of OpenAI to an unprecedented extent.

Release v1.0

Your currently connected wallet does not have an active subscription to use Samurai Chat. You can subscribe to use Samurai Chat for 100 000 xHNR. The subscription lasts approximately 28 days, and requires your wallet to hold a minimum of 100 Honour Nodes to activate. You also need to bring your own OpenAI API Key, which can be found here. The API Key is only stored in the client application for the sole purpose of interacting with OpenAI's API, and is never sent to any centralised server.

Bring Your Own Key
28 Days
100 000 xHNR
100 Nodes